Since my full conquest guides can get a little, shall we say, “wordy,” I’m consolidating generalized cheese strategies here, for easy reference. My guides will often refer to these teams by the nicknames outlined in this document, so if you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about in my full guide, you’ve come to the right place to learn.
JW cheese (The Jedi + Wat team: JKL / JML / Wat / 2 others):
This team is ideal for any feat that involves "keep X alive" or "win with X and Y surviving."
There are many boss fights with specific requirements like this, and often times there are globals for it as well. The team comp is Jedi Knight Luke (lead) / Jedi Master Luke / Wat / character X you want to keep alive / character Y you want to keep alive. Make JKL as slow as molasses in january on a witch's tit that's touching my step-father-in-law's shriveled heart (0 speed from mods). Put tank tech on JML. Put weapons tech on JKL (unless you need one of your "keep alive" guys to trigger some specific ability a whole bunch, in which case put weapons tech on them instead). If you only need to keep one character alive, and they're a light side character, bring Captain Han Solo as your fifth so he can revive them if they die.
I will often name variants of this team after whoever you need to keep alive, so "JW cheese murderdroids" is JKL / JML / Wat / 0-0-0 / BT-1, for example.
In addition to being good cheese for specific feats, this team design is strong in general and can clear most teams in conquest with 3 stars.
Dr. Aphra cheese: An alternative cheese for "Keep X alive" feats. You will need: Ruthless Swiftness, Volatile Accelerator, and 3x Amplify Agony to make this a virtually guaranteed success. Aphra lead / 0-0-0 / BT-1 / X / Y. Aphra starts with 100% turn meter thanks to the presence of the murderdroids. She puts doubt and other debuffs on every enemy, granting the rest of your team 100% turn meter thanks to RS, plus reducing enemy health to near zero. BT-1 goes next (probably) and kills everyone with fire.
JML cheese:
This cheese is best for "apply x debuff" a bunch of times or "get kills with X character or faction" type feats.
Jedi Master Luke's leader ability lets him call a light side ally to assist, dealing damage based on JML's protection value. This means that a high protection JML can make literally any other light side character, regardless of gear level, hit like a goddamn truck. Yes, even ones that don't normally do damage like Hoda and C3PO. His leader ability also grants other jedi who are with him the ability to call that same assist, again dealing damage based on JML's protection. So for feats like "apply evasion down 50 times" just means you put a character who applies evasion down on basic (Old Ben) in your team, fill the rest with jedi, and just call old ben to assist for every single attack. "Get 50 kills with X character or faction" feats as long as that character is light side or there's a light side member of that faction, you can stack them with 4 jedi and just keep calling that character to assist whenever enemies are near death to force feed kills to them. In cases where you have the Voluntary Vanguard data disc, you can use that instead of bringing Wat. That will also let you do this cheese for the rare "keep X, Y, and Z characters alive" feats.
My favorite team comp for this cheese is JML / Hoda / Shaak / GMY / character X. This is because the assist call has a cooldown of 2 turns, and hoda, shaak, and gmy all have non-attack abilities that they can use between calls of the assist so they don't accidentally kill anyone you want to force feed to character X.
Treya Cheese:
This is another good cheese for farming "kill with X character or faction" type feats. Note that this only works for farming against teams with very little AoE and lots of revives. Namely: Mon Mothma, when she has Scarif Rebel Pathfinder on her team.
There are a few different comp options for this. The basic is Darth Treya lead, and then at least 1 very strong tank such as Malak or Malgus, and then you fill the rest of the team with the characters or faction you need to complete the feat. You can also bring Wat (if he isn't tied up doing JKL cheeses) to keep taunt on your tanks. Ideally, you just bring the Voluntary Vanguard data disc and that keeps taunt up for you. My favorite comp is Treya / Malak / 3 characters and that VV disc. This is because malak causes anyone who attacks him to be feared, essentially keeping their whole team feared all the time.
Lord Vader Cheese:
Whenever Amplify Agony is a data disc option, LV can solo carry up to 4 other characters for "keep alive" type feats.
This means you can do two at the same time, such as "Win with BT-1 and 0-0-0 on your team" and "win with Old Ben and Farmboy Luke on your team." LV applies so many dots and he essentially one-shots every fight when Amplify Agony is in the mix. Add in Volatile Accelerator as a force multiplier and you'll be unstoppable!
Thermal Detonators Cheese:
This cheese is good for the once common "apply 100 thermal detonators" feat.
Using Rey lead with the 4 jawas not named "jawa" will allow rey to keep those jawas alive for a very long time. Then you fight a team with lots of AoE such as carth OR. You should complete the feat in a single battle.
Apply Purge Cheese:
Voted most popular Cheese of 2023! How to apply 300(!) purges with a squad of terrible 3-star, g8 inquisitors? Note that this cheese will simultaneously complete the "gain health steal up 20 times" feat, too!
Emperor Palpatine lead / Wat / 2nd sister / 9th sister / 7th sister. And - this is key - you need the "Initial Frenzy Tech" tech booster. I also recommend Potency Calibrator, Ruthless Swiftness, Voluntary Vanguard, Unstable Decelerator, and Volatile Accelerator (as long as your UD reductions are bigger than your VA bonuses). Do not bring any discs that increase damage!!! Fight some jedi.
When wat goes at the start, his application of weapons tech on one of your guys will fill everyone's turn meter thanks to the initial frenzy tech. Make sure you don't put tank tech on 9th sister or she'll taunt and you don't want that! As your inks go, they'll apply purge (and dots, if you have VA), which will give them more turn meter thanks to EP's lead ability. EP will keep everyone stunned. Wat will assist the inks, removing enemy turn meter. Your TM train should be infinite.
Things to watch out for: If you spread EP's shock around, he'll gain infinite turn meter instead of your inks. You can remove it with his stun, but try to only have 1 enemy shocked at a time. If you get 6 stacks of purge on an enemy, you can no longer apply more stacks. This is why we bring both 2nd and 9th sisters; they both have abilities which remove all stacks of purge. 7th sister's heal also removes a single stack of purge from every enemy. As I mentioned above, don't put tank tech on 9th sister as I'm assuming she isn't high gear and thus won't be tanky. Weapons tech on 2nd, tank on 7th, heal on 9th is probably the best way to go. Finally, be sure to mix up who you attack in order to control enemy turn meter. Between UD, wat's assist, and EP's stun, you should be able to prevent the enemy team from ever taking a single turn.
Dash Nuke:
This team cheese is good for smuggler or scoundrel kills, as well as "win with no jedi, sith, or unaffiliated force users" feats and also is a very strong team capable of clearing almost every node without dying.
Beskar Armor Mando / Dash / Han Solo / Kuiil / Chewbacca (use CAT instead of Chewie if you don't care about having an UFU on your team and you need an extra massive damage boost). Also be sure you have at least 1 Zealous Ambition data disc. BAM's lead ability gives your whole team turn meter whenever any scoundrel deals damage. It's not a lot of turn meter (2%), but if you stack it with Volatile Accelerator and Amplify Agony, Han's initial attack will hit twice adding stun (a third hit thanks to AA) and applying 3 to 9 more dots (depending on what rank VA you have) for another 3-9 hits thanks to AA, for a total of 6 to 12 separate instances of damage on the initial hit, for 12% - 24% turn meter gain to your whole team. With chewbacca assisting, (who applies tenacity down on basic), add in another 3-5 hits for a total of 18%-34% turn meter gain. That should get dash going before any enemy. Dash is a support, so his health adds damage thanks to ZA, Kuiil's unique adds more damage, and (if you have CAT), her unique also adds even more. Dash's AoE hits every enemy 3 times for high damage, combined with VA and AA... it's a one-shot solution to whatever ails you.
Cheat Code Rey:
GL Rey is ideal for clearing pesky nodes with turn meter train teams: Ewoks, Imperial Troopers, and Jawas. It's also a great team for those annoying damage reflection teams like Padme and GAS.
Bring her along with RH Finn, RH Poe, JTR, and BB8 and you can also work secret intel, gain foresight, and evade in wins alongside this team. I call it the "cheat code" team because if you hit a node that's going to kill you - this team will probably 3 star it.
I suppose this isn't really a "cheese" per se, but it's a very good team to have in your back pocket for ensuring you get each and every possible star.
Rey + Ben + VV Cheese:
Yes, the name sucks, but the team doesn't! As long as you're fighting someone with low AoE damage, this team is unbeatable. Rey gets VV on her, but as long as ben has more than 50% health, she can't die. Works great against boss fights like the Rancor during the Dark Trooper Moff Gideon conquest series.
Assorted cheese for GAS fights:
In case you don't know, one hit kill (OHK) abilities will kill GAS even if the other 501st members are still alive, trivializing fights against him. CAT, Mando, and Nihilus all have OHKs that work for this.
SEE (basic form, no ult needed) will also prevent GAS from ever standing back up once he loses his initial protection.
SLKR / Daka / Zombie Cheese:
SLKR ramps up damage fairly quickly. Zombie can't die as long as another NS is present. Daka is beefy and gains max health every time someone (zombie) dies. So against teams with moderate to weak AoE, this team is invincible.
Cheat Code Maul:
- This cheese is good for general node clearing, but with with careful targeting it can also get those "win with X left alive" feats, too.
Thanks to u/Korvanacor for this suggestion: Maul lead with Wat, Candarous, two other Mandalorians, along with volatile accelerator and amplifier agony. Wat triggers Maul’s frenzy and then Maul goes three times (5 if Kenobi is opposing). You’ll almost always kill an opponent with each attack. If Kenobi is present, you’ll win the battle without the other team even taking a turn. As long as the last enemy left alive lacks an AoE, you should be able to soak its one attack and destroy it, even with 1 star, level 1 characters on your team (you need maul + your mandos to be strong enough to kill dudes).
GAS Cheese vs. NS for "get kills with" type feats:
- This one is a little more specific than the rest of these, but since the Nightsisters (with zombie) do show up as bosses from time to time, I'm listing it here. Thanks to u/AttilatheStun for the concise explanation:
Run a GAS lead team with 2-3 501st clones and the character(s) who need to get kills. Buy an initial tether tech and find a nightsister node. Kill anyone with aoes (assaj and talzin) plus daka so she can’t revive them. At this point you should have just zombie and one other ns left alive. Only target zombie so she keeps reviving. GAS will eventually reduce her health so low that even very poorly geared toons can one shot her. Then put it on auto basic and let the fight run until time expires.
Stealth Cheeses:
- There are two flavors of stealth cheese and both are great. I generally prefer the Teebo lead version because it's hilarious.
Teebo Lead / JML / Wat / Hoda / whoever helps your other feats. Teebo lead gives your guys a 55% chance to stealth at the end of their turns. Draw the fight out forever and you'll finish the feat in a single combat.
Darth Maul lead / four sith. Darth Maul lead gives your guys stealth whenever they dodge or are critically hit. Bring an evasion data disc if you have one and draw the fight out as long as possible without stunning the enemy team (you need them to attack you!). Dooku and Talon both stealth, so they're good to bring (though dooku dazes so... ymmv).
KRU Abuse:
- This isn't a specific team makeup, but just a good general strategy for every feat of the format "apply X debuff Y times." If you're running the VA+AA combo, KRU can be nearly impossible to kill. This means you can abuse the shit out of him and just drop a bazillion debuffs on his head. Make sure your team does not include anyone who applies healing block or shock, as both of those will stop KRU's regeneration and make him die rapidly. Beyond that, you need to be able to kill the other four FO units (kill Sith Trooper first, then Hux if you can, then the others). After that, as long as at least one of your units applies the debuff you want to cheese, just hit auto and walk away until the fight times out. Some of the teams I've abused KRU with include:
200 plagues: MT / AV / Daka / Zombie / Merrin
60 burning: Jango / Kuiil / R2D2 / BT-1 / BB8 (run on auto-basic after you kill the adds rather than full auto so Jango doesn't apply healing immunity to KRU. Kuiil's basic applies burning)
60 Doubt: DR / Malgus / Badstila / Asassin / SET (you have to manually do this so you don't apply shock. Malgus will apply doubt.
60 Staggers: Veers / Starck / Scout / Han / Chewie
Invasive Endings Nute Cheese:
- This is some delicious cheese. You need the following data discs: Invasive Endings. VA. As many AA discs as you have (yes, all the way up to AAx4). Then you go in with nute, solo. When he dies (and he WILL die), he'll trigger IE, putting 5 dots on everyone. Triggering VA for another 5-15 more dots. All of which triggers AA for basically 100% health damage, but don't forget nute's unique also adds true damage whenever a debuff is applied to an enemy, triggering VA, triggering AA... You see how this works, right? And then nute self-revives and stealths while the entire enemy team all dies at once. The will only work if the enemy team can't self-revive.
Great Mothers Cheese:
With a blue VA and 3-4 AA discs, the GMs will OHK everything with their initial dot application. This works with exceptionally low gear GMs.
With Booming Voice, the GMs will call the rest of the NS to assist whenever they go, which is always first (twice!) and then every time their doomed target dies. Add in Stacking Fervor, and the whole team ramps up offense very quickly. Can handle virtually any team.